[FOSS4G-Oceania] Fwd: student/volunteer pricing

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 19:49:07 PDT 2018

Hi all,

Bringing this into the committee for discussion. A few weeks ago it was
suggested that student volunteers won't be able to afford the pricing @
$200... so need to perhaps revisit this.


From: Martin Tomko <tomkom at unimelb.edu.au>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 at 11:52
Subject: Re: student/volunteer pricing
To: Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com>, John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com>
Cc: Sarah Goodwin <sarah.goodwin at monash.edu>, Philip Mallis <
philip at philipmallis.com>

John, all,

I agree volunteers are a workforce here, and the least we can do is to get
them in for free.

That said, we should – if we want to be cautious – make sure we only seek
as many volunteers as we really need ( and this can be relaxed later, if we
are faring very well with rebgistrations).

So, how many. FTE do we need? I can think of: registration desk for 4 days,
1x person per each parallel session (microphones, etc), and maybe a spare 1
for swaps, and 2 people to run around on the workshop/codesprint day? Is
that then 4+3*2+2+2*2=16 FTE? So avg 4 people per day, more on main
conference days. Is this too many?

What are the costs/loses from volunteers? We should provide them with
catering, but maybe no swag ( but possibly a T-shirt) – so a cost of about
$1500 at a guesstimate. Can we see whether we can pad this if our
sponsoring goes particularly well?


*From: *Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com>
*Date: *Thursday, 19 July 2018 at 11:32 am
*To: *John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com>
*Cc: *Martin Tomko <tomkom at unimelb.edu.au>, Sarah Goodwin <
sarah.goodwin at monash.edu>, Philip Mallis <philip at philipmallis.com>
*Subject: *Re: student/volunteer pricing

The way I see it, if a student volunteer is only helping out, then they
shouldn't pay.

If they want to help out a bit, and see the conference too, then they
should pay.

I've never had volunteer pricing before... never needed volunteers. We've
had student pricing, though, and I think our price is cheap for that. But I
guess it's not student pricing, it's "student volunteer" pricing, so it's

On Thu, 19 Jul 2018 at 07:11 John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com> wrote:

Hey folks,

A few weeks ago it was suggested that student volunteers won't be able to
afford the pricing @$200. I'm wondering if we should revisit this?

I've added it as an agenda item for this week's meeting - I thought we
could perhaps have a brief discussion about it then, to understand the
dimensions of the issue, and then take the discussion to an email thread.
Does this sound like a good idea?




Alex Leith

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