[FOSS4G-Oceania] Call for workshops winding up

Andrew Harvey andrew at alantgeo.com.au
Sun Jul 29 22:16:49 PDT 2018

> (I will just need to change the data storage to not use Mapbox Studio
> as that is not opensource).
Just on that point, submission 8 uses parts of Mapillary which aren't
open source, but in my opinion that's fine as it's targeted for the SotM
side of the conference. Looking at the workshops and presentations at
the global SotM's, so long as it's related to OpenStreetMap that's okay,
it needn't be free and open source.
Though I agree if it's a predominantly FOSS4G focused talk or workshop
it's best to keep the tools used to free and open source.
Full disclosure: I work with Mapbox and Mapillary.

On Mon, 30 Jul 2018, at 10:20 AM, Sarah Goodwin wrote:
> Hi,
> Agree that PostGIS would be good. I know people who could definitely
> do something about PostGIS but aren't in Australia. Perhaps I can get
> them to collaborate with someone local but not sure I have time to do
> that by tomorrow> 
> Do we want something more visual? 
> My student has been creating visualisations with geo data using d3
> and Unity.> I also have a Mapbox JS GL tutorial / workshop I have done a few
> times, last time at decompress see here for info for that:
> https://sites.google.com/view/mapbox-decompress-2018/home?authuser=0 -
> step by step guide to building the visualisation at the bottom of the
> page. (I will just need to change the data storage to not use Mapbox
> Studio as that is not opensource).> 
> Happy to collaborate with him on visualisation of geo data using open
> source libraries if that would be of interest? Although not sure I am
> allowed to submit anything, being on commitee? He has big deadlines
> this week so won't get time but I can write something on his behalf.> 
> Sarah 

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