[FOSS4G-Oceania] T-shirt supplier and sizes

Sarah Goodwin sarah.goodwin at monash.edu
Mon Jul 30 15:38:27 PDT 2018

Good research!

Personally I prefer fitted t-shirts with smaller logos... but agree that it
depends on the tshirt and the logo and if we need to wear it at the event
as commitee to be noticed then the bigger logo is probably better! So will
go with whichever others decide.

Good idea to give choice at rego that is great particularly for sizing (as
noone gets this right and there is usually left overs too big or small).

+1 for the three colour choices!

+0 for sponsors on back.. I personally think it is a nice thing to do since
they sponsored the event so if we can spare some sponsorship money then we
probably should.. and we might well sell more to the sponsors that way but
also understand if we decide to go with the cheaper and slicker option of
just printing the logo on the front (and we might sell more to audience
that way too maybe!)

On Tue., 31 Jul. 2018, 08:13 John Bryant, <johnwbryant at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds good to me... if we can give people a choice as to which style of
> shirt they want, then we're not making the decision for them. We'd need to
> update our ticketing page to give them the options, and link to images like
> the ones you've shown us here.
> Do we know when we'd need to put an order in?
> On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 at 22:29, Daniel Silk <dwsilk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yea we can definitely provide both - Edition has the exact same fitted
>> ones in Navy and either option will be exactly $30 without any bulk
>> discount if we are only printing on the front.
>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 12:23 AM John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Daniel! Nice work.
>>> My thoughts:
>>> - preference for front centre position of our logo, can live with either
>>> position though
>>> - colour choices sound good to me
>>> - re: women's cuts - is it at all possible to provide a choice to the
>>> buyer? I know some women (Cholena for example) prefer fitted over regular.
>>> Would it incur a substantial extra cost to order, for example, 10 fitted &
>>> 10 regular women's shirts?
>>> - I'm happy enough to wear a committee shirt on at least one of the
>>> days. We should possibly also identify committee members with some kind of
>>> identifying mark on whatever badges we end up using.
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