[FOSS4G-Oceania] Website and calls

Alex Leith alexgleith at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 20:10:12 PDT 2018

Hi Martin

   1. Yep, we're pretty close. I want to work with Cholena this weekend to
   finalise and publish the call for general papers and workshops. If you are
   available, it will be good if you can help review wording on the website.
   We can iterate quickly next week anyway.
   2. Ok, good idea. Anyone want to pick this up? I can look on the weekend
   I think.
   3. No, no word from Serryn...
   4. Happy to do it either way. If you give me the name, I'll shoot an
   invitation out the same as the other keynotes ;-) (is is Jane?)


On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 at 12:42 Martin Tomko <tomkom at unimelb.edu.au> wrote:

> Der all,
> Some outstanding tasks I see we need to act on:
>    1. We need to finalise the calls. Alex/John, remaining tasks are? I do
>    not know where the final timeline is, but should be inserted to the
>    appropriate calls. From the content perspective, I checked the academic and
>    it is good to go. We will update the Program Committee on the website as we
>    go.
>    2. The website is missing a price list. We need to publish this,
>    people have been asking me today.
>    3. Alex, heard back from Serryn/AURIN?
>    4. Alex, do you want me to contact the academic Keynote? Sarah, happy
>    for me to approach Jane, or Alex do you want to do this?
> I have some more channels to spread our first press release, can I get a
> pdf (or link to ) please? Do not see it on the Website.
> Thanks,
> Martin
> --
> *Dr. Martin Tomko*
> Lecturer
> Department of Infrastructure Engineering (Office B304)
> The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia
> T: +61 3 9035 3298 <+61%203%209035%203298> | W: www.tomko.org | Mail:
> tomkom at unimelb.edu.au | @dinomirMT
> ----
> For your calendar:
> GISCIENCE2018 - 10th International Conference on Geographic Information
> Science
> Melbourne, Australia, 28-31 August 2018
> http://www.giscience.org | @GIScience2018 | #GIScience2018
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Alex Leith
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