[FOSS4G-Oceania] FOSS4G & Position magazine

Daniel Bishton dbishton at intermedia.com.au
Tue Jun 19 01:03:10 PDT 2018

Hi Cameron,

If there is a release and image ready by tomorrow morning, I should be able to fit a brief announcement into this week's newsletter. It won't be published verbatim, so please make all pertinent detail you wish to be included clear.

The image doesn't need to be ultra high resolution, just try to make sure it's in a 4:3 aspect ratio.

I look forward to seeing some material in the morning!


Daniel Bishton
Position magazine + SpatialSource.com.au
E: dbishton at intermedia.com.au
Ph: +61 2 8586 6134
M: +61 481 776 739
The Intermedia Group 
41 Bridge Rd, Glebe, NSW, 2037 

-----Original Message-----
From: Cameron Shorter [mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 19 June 2018 5:25 PM
To: Jon Tkach <jon at intermedia.com.au>
Cc: Daniel Bishton <dbishton at intermedia.com.au>; Simon Cooper <scooper at intermedia.com.au>; foss4g-oceania at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: FOSS4G & Position magazine

Daniel, will there be space to include an announcement about the FOSS4G conference call for papers in tomorrow's Spatial Source email out?

We have a draft which is current getting reviewed here:


I expect it should be ready by tomorrow (Wednesday 20 July).

On 19/6/18 4:32 pm, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've just chatted with Jon Tkach, National Sales Manager at Position 
> Magazine and Spatial Source.
> We discussed setting up a mutually beneficial relationship between 
> FOSS4G and Spatial Source which could possibly include:
> 1. Spatial Source / Position Magazine run stories about FOSS4G. 
> (FOSS4G team would need to provide some compelling stories which would 
> typically link to milestones such as "call for papers", "speakers 
> announced", etc.)
> 2. Spatial Source emails go out on Wednesday, so if we want to have 
> our "call for papers announcement" included in this week's email, we 
> should have it to Dan Bishton (Spatial Source editor) by first thing 
> tomorrow.
> 3. Position Magazine could potentially be provided to each delegate in 
> a show bag (if we have one) or maybe on our "show goodies" table that 
> we have been talking about.
> 4. Spatial Source/Position Magazine could be mentioned as a media 
> partner on the FOSS4G website. (We had this arrangement in place at 
> FOSS4G 2009)
> 5. One of the FOSS4G emails to delegates could potentially include 
> Spatial Source marketing message, such as "If you want to get a 
> subscription to Position Magazine use the code xxx to get a discount".
> Jon, was there anything else you wanted to add?

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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