[FOSS4G-Oceania] Fwd: Re: Potential Georabble during event week

Trisha moriar1y at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 22:05:33 PDT 2018

Thanks John, I meant to send to the list
+1 for Georabble event on the  Thursday, 

Sent from my Samsung smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com> Date: 2018-06-24  9:57 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: Trisha Moriarty <moriar1y at gmail.com> Subject: Re: [FOSS4G-Oceania] Potential Georabble during event week 
Hey Trisha, I'm guessing you meant to send this to the list? Also, i should double check your meaning... Community Day is Friday, so did you mean Thurs or Fri?
On Mon., 25 Jun. 2018, 1:36 pm Trisha Moriarty, <moriar1y at gmail.com> wrote:
Hope I'm not too late 
+1 for Thursday after community event, it doesn't clash and would be nice edition for the community folks.

On Thu, Jun 21, 2018, 6:56 PM John Bryant <johnwbryant at gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
There has been some discussion going on with GeoRabble organisers about the possibility of organising a GeoRabble event during the week of our event. For us to get behind this, obviously we would need to figure out a time slot when this could make sense.
The idea is that the GR crew would organise the GR event, and we would merely make way for this to happen, and promote it to our attendees. This is all hypothetical, until we get confirmation from the Melbourne GR organisers that they actually want to do this.
At today's committee meeting, we batted around some ideas for time slots when this could happen. The options we came up with are listed below, with some pros & cons of each. 
GeoRabble. Discussed options.Ozri is on Wed 21 Nov, finishes at 6pm. It is targeting Vic only (as Ozri happens in other Australian capital cities). https://esriaustralia.com.au/events-ozri
One opportunity for Georabble is to mingle with ESRI users and help move these users one step to the left (toward Open Source), and help reach an audience that wouldn’t usually come to Open Source.
Options for Georabble night:
Tu 20 Nov (Workshop)
Pro: Provides an informal introduction to the event, while enabling mixing of crowds. Could be a confluence of Ozri, GeoRabble and FOSS4G SotM folks. Most people will already be in Melbourne.
Con: This is when we have our icebreaker event planned. If the intent of the icebreaker is to let FOSS4G attendees meet each other, then replacing it with a GeoRabble will potentially make this outcome less potent.
We 21 Nov (Presentations) (Ozri day)
Pro: Potential to have Ozri attendees continue on from Ozri onto GeoRabble
Con: Would mean we’d need to move dinner (to Thursday).
Th 22 Nov (Presentations)
Pro: We don't have anything planned for this time.
Con: Some people may leave after conference day 2, and will be unavailable to attend.
Fr 23 Nov (afternoon of Community Day)
Pro: Same day as free Community Day, so volunteers will already be around. Could contribute to festival atmosphere of CD.
Con: Friday is last day of conference, and start of weekend, and many people will be heading home. 
There is some urgency to coming to a conclusion on this, as our registrations are due to open on Monday, and one of the above options requires us to move our dinner event, thus changing what some people would be registering for. It would be best to not change the date of the dinner after people have bought tickets.

So as I see it, the question is in two parts: 1) should we make room for GeoRabble in our schedule, and 2) if so, which of the above options makes the most sense for us?


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