Sullivan Jonah Jonah.Sullivan at ga.gov.au
Tue Jun 26 22:53:17 PDT 2018

On behalf of the conference organising committee, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the inaugural Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) and State of the Map (SotM) Oceania Conference, a partnership of the local organising committee, The University of Melbourne, and The Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI).

More information can be found at the conference website: https://foss4g-oceania.org/

The conference will be held at the University of Melbourne, from Tuesday, the 20th to Friday, the 23rd of November, 2018.

The conference will begin on Tuesday with a workshop day, where you can get your hands dirty and learn by doing, during hands-on sessions and practical courses where leading practitioners deliver hands-on training. These are generally extraordinary value, and a chance to meet/connect with like-minded developers and users.

The body of the conference on Wednesday and Thursday, when you can attend or provide presentations at the conference. There will be multiple thematic tracks, keynotes, technology talks, social events and more. You'll hear from leaders in our community, core developers from your favourite projects, and success stories from users in the field.

The last day will be a community day on Friday. This is your chance to give back to your favourite open source projects at the code sprint, or attend the mapathon and participate in the world's largest collaborative mapping project.

You can get more information by emailing the committee at info at foss4g-oceania.org<mailto:info at foss4g-oceania.org> or by calling Alex Leith at +61 419 189 050. We look forward to having you join with other FOSS4G/SotM community partners to explore open source geospatial technology and open data.

Yours faithfully,

Alex Leith and John Bryant

Co-Chairs, FOSS4G SotM Oceania Conference

For more information you can also contact:

Jonah Sullivan  |  Geospatial Analyst
Maritime Jurisdiction Advice<http://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/marine/jurisdiction>
National Location Information Branch<http://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/national-location-information>
 t +61 2 6249 9516     www.ga.gov.au<http://www.ga.gov.au/>

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