[FOSS4G-Oceania] Fwd: [DKIM] [GIS-PacNet] Workshops at the Pacific Islands GIS&RS User Conference [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Sullivan Jonah Jonah.Sullivan at ga.gov.au
Wed Jun 27 21:22:17 PDT 2018


This is for the Oceania GIS user conference in Fiji the week after foss4g in Australia.

Jonah Sullivan  | Geospatial Analyst
Maritime Jurisdiction Advice
National Location Information Branch
 t +61 2 6249 9516 www.ga.gov.au<http:// www.ga.gov.au>

From: gis-pacnet-bounces at picisoc.org <gis-pacnet-bounces at picisoc.org> on behalf of Wolf Forstreuter <wolf.forstreuter at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 12:20:10 PM
Subject: [DKIM] [GIS-PacNet] Workshops at the Pacific Islands GIS&RS User Conference

Dear all,

End of June we have already 7 workshops organised conducted Friday after the Conference see http://www.picgisrs.org/ and click workshops.


Dr Wolf Forstreuter
SPC-GEM, Chair Pacific GIS & Remote Sensing Council
Phone: +679-3249-237 (office), Phone: +679-3322193 (home), +679-9272462 (mobile in FJ)
e-mail: wolf.forstreuter at gmail.com<mailto:wolf.forstreuter at gmail.com>
Skype: wolfforstreuter

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