[FOSS4G-Oceania] FOSS4G Birds of Feather session: Sustaining a training documentation pipeline
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 13:50:09 PST 2018
Birds of a Feather Session will be held today, Wednesday, during lunch
break at 12:45pm-:13:30pm in room 263. Grad some lunch and come up.
This looks like a good starting point for material:
On 19/11/18 1:06 am, Mueller, Thomas wrote:
> Here is what Philip Davis’s Group has completed via QGIS. I use his
> materials in my classes and workshops
> https://foss4geo.wordpress.com/
On 17/11/18 7:23 am, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Hi QGIS and FOSS4G folks,
> I think a number of things are serendipitously coming together to
> create the perfect opportunity to establish collaborative building and
> maintaining OSGeo training material in general, and QGIS in
> particular. (Templates, processes, tool chains developed for QGIS
> could be rolled out to other projects in future releases).
> I was talking with Andrew Jeffrey and Chris Milne yesterday about
> setting up a Birds of a Feather session at the FOSS4G conference in
> Melbourne next week to discuss this. Andrew and Chris mentined that
> their employer, Chartis Technology is keen to collaboratively build
> QGIS training.
> Sarah Maddox, tech writer from Google, is launching a "Google Season
> of Docs" [1], from which we might be able to tap into experienced tech
> writer resources.
> I'm hoping that once we get momentum going, we could draw in
> universities from Geo4All. Some universities already have good
> training material we can start from.
> I'm interested from an OSGeoLive perspective - drawing from our
> existing community and extending our established documentation
> pipeline to also include training material.
> If you are interested to be involved, then speak up (and/or look for
> details of the BoF session once we find a venue and timeslot).
> [1]
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ABqCc5uAoQv9aqGCxmNqOJ9S_Tst-adNV3fcWQ2Quwc/edit#slide=id.g42b115f18c_0_0
Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant
M +61 (0) 419 142 254
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