[FOSS4G-Oceania] Video recording

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 17:20:29 PDT 2018

Hi all,

I am very hopeful that we can capture some good quality videos of
presentations and make them freely available. I think this would have huge
benefit for the community, especially those who can't attend the
conference, and would expand our reach. This would potentially enhance the
event's sustainability for future years.

At this point, I've gathered a little bit of information in a doc
and there has been some discussion here and there about the Uni's Lecture
Capture system, and different possibilities for making this happen.
Obviously there is a tie-in here with the A/V requirements for the
conference, so we'll need to make sure these efforts are integrated.

Is anyone in this committee interested in helping pull this together? If
so, I'd like us to work together to come up with a plan and put a motion
forward for expenditure.

Anyone keen?

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