[FOSS4G-Oceania] FOSS4G Academic Track - next steps (react today, pls)

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 13:09:29 PDT 2018

Apologies for not responding yesterday, was out of the office all day.

I'm for anything that encourages students & researchers to attend and
participate, it's an important part of the community. I'd be keen to see a
configuration that integrates academic and non-academic attendees to some
degree. Sarah had a suggestion for a panel on how to get more FOSS4G in
Academia. At GIScience last week there was a bit of talk around Open Access
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_access> - is there a story here for us,
seems like a good fit? It could be a way to help bridge the gap between
academic & non.

Posters sound great to me (+1), if they're still on the table and you want
to do them. Not sure about whether we can put pins in the walls (if we want
to go ahead with this, will need to find out).

*Decision needed*: shall we do this? How many student tickets should be
> add/free?

 Student tickets: we currently have 10 allocated @ $250, and students who
volunteer will be free. I'm personally open to increasing the number of
student tickets, if there is a likelihood of uptake (see 200 attendee
scenario in the budget
I suggest if this is desirable, we split it out into a separate motion as
it may spark some debate.

I'm with Alex on keeping Jane in the plenary - I see her as a keynote
speaker and it would be nice to get her message to the full audience.

Alex, nice work on program schedule, it's looking good. Would it make sense
to roll this in together with our other schedule sheet
in separate tabs maybe, or do you want to keep it as a separate sheet?
(aside: we have 3 separate lecture theatres (A/B/C) apart from the main
lecture theatre)
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