[FOSS4G-Oceania] Development version of the FOSS4G-Oceania website

Richard Law LawR at landcareresearch.co.nz
Tue Apr 16 14:52:07 PDT 2019

I've been putting in a little work into getting a trial development version of the conference website up. I've been using a conference website template to do so: https://github.com/gdg-x/hoverboard<https://link.getmailspring.com/link/56373A90-EC47-49C1-BA2D-AB461330C83F@getmailspring.com/0?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fgdg-x%2Fhoverboard&recipient=Zm9zczRnLW9jZWFuaWFAbGlzdHMub3NnZW8ub3Jn> and found it quite decent.

You can see our development version here: https://foss4g-oceania-dev.firebaseapp.com/<https://link.getmailspring.com/link/56373A90-EC47-49C1-BA2D-AB461330C83F@getmailspring.com/1?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Ffoss4g-oceania-dev.firebaseapp.com%2F&recipient=Zm9zczRnLW9jZWFuaWFAbGlzdHMub3NnZW8ub3Jn>

The data you see in the development website is incomplete and still full of the example content - so ignore that. The sign in feature is incomplete and does not yet work. It will eventually allow you to sign in as an attendee, and to select the presentations you are interested in so that you can save your own conference agenda and know which room you want to be in at the appropriate time.

Presenter-focussed features (e.g. paper submission, presentation blurb editing) are absent and will be manged by third party tools (e.g. Sessionise). The integration point will then either be an iframe (or equivalent), or simply a script that polls the [Sessionise/whatever] API and mutates the data to fit the Hoverboard interface. Tickets will be handled by a third-party as well, and the integration point is simply the "buy" button under each class of ticket that will open the third-party site in a new tab.

Content such as blogs can be edited in a JSON document that can then be pushed to the underlying database (Firestore — the whole site ultimately has a Google backend): the site will then load content dynamically (i.e. it's not a static site).

Other customisations to the style and (probably) a replacement of the Google Maps integration with OpenLayers of Leaflet are to come.

Richard Law

Geospatial Analyst
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
T +64 6 353 4867 | M +64 27 6355 328


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