[FOSS4G-Oceania] FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2019 Committee Roles

Dionne Hansen dionne.hansen at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 15:48:53 PDT 2019

Hello FOSS4G Organising Committee,

Please find my expression of interest below.


Dionne Hansen

1. The area you're interested in leading

Design and Communication Lead

2. Why it interests you and what you'll bring to the organisation effort

I’m keen to fill this spot on the organizing committee as I’ve had fun
developing these skills in recent years while being on the New Zealand
Women In Spatial organizing committee. In addition to event organization, I
have been writing for the Women In Spatial blog for over a year now - and
run the committee’s comms in collaboration with one of the other committee

I'm an enthusiast by nature and I believe in the philosophy of FOSS4G so
I'm excited to be a cheerleader and advocate for this conference. I'm eager
to help give the conference an outward identity in the form of social media
engagement, website content, merch, and printed materials. I'll bring
tenacity and humour to the role and a desire to problem solve, collaborate,
and learn from others. I’m highly organized and will ensure the design and
comms deadlines are met. I’ve already begun the FOSS4G SotM 2019 comms with
an official email announcement and several tweets promoting the logo
competition and voting rounds with great response so far.

3. If there are any responsibilities that you're uncertain about

I have a solid understanding of what the role requires of me and I have
plans for how I will address the items I have not specifically carried out
before i.e. Signage. I will enlist the help of the committee member who
held the role before me or people within my own organisation with relevant
experience to enlighten me of potential roadblocks or tips for getting
these things done.

As I’ve got experience putting on events in the past I’m also happy to help
out on any of the other teams needing an extra set of hands.
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