[FOSS4G-Oceania] FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2019 Committee Roles

Daniel Silk dwsilk at gmail.com
Sun Mar 17 17:10:21 PDT 2019

Thanks to all who have participated in this process and discussion.

I am pleased to appoint the following people:

- Program Lead: Adam Steer
- Good Mojo Lead: Kim Fitter
- Design & Communications Lead: Dionne Hansen
- Sponsorship Lead: Ed Neerhut

Thank you for putting your hands up to help out. :-)

That leaves the Local & Logistics Lead vacant. Tania Hibbard-Nitz has
pencilled her name down for that role - just waiting on some news before
she can commit.

A few people have noted the lack of kiwis currently involved in the program
area. I'm sure we'll be able to get organisers with a local perspective
involved in specific aspects of the program as we progress. It's a pretty
daunting lead role to take on for anyone that is completely new to this, so
I'm grateful to have those with experience from last year to take it on and
provide support within that subcommittee.

If all leads could have a look at the timeline
work out what their next steps are and add / amend as required, that'd be
great prep for our Thursday meeting.


PS. Gmail flagged Kim's reply to this thread as spam for me - if anyone
else missed it, check your Spam folder!
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