John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 07:22:14 PDT 2020

This seems like a potentially productive approach.

We're struggling to keep ticket prices low and balance the budget at our
hub, and it looks like sponsorship will be crucial.

Time is short, but if a regional tier were available, maybe we could
attract a significant sponsorship that would make all the difference.

Will follow the LOC's lead, happy to help.

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020, 7:47 pm Adam Steer, <adam.d.steer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all
> first, awesome news about sponsorship interest!
> How about setting up a scheme where sponsors automatically get national
> sponsorship at some tier / financial cutoff no matter how they are gathered
> / who generates the lead.
> Anyone approaching a hub to sponsor below that clearly-defined threshold
> becomes a hub sponsor and is dealt with locally (except money handling,
> which needs to go to OO centrally). Anyone sponsoring below the threshold
> directly to the central LOC could also be directed to the nearest hub, and
> /or asked if they would like to contribute to the inclusivity / good mojo
> programme instead.
> This way - hubs can gather whatever sponsors they like, and so can the
> event LOC. If hub venue / media / logistics sponsors are going above and
> beyond but no cash changes hands, recognising those contributors using cash
> equivalent levels also feels OK to me.
> In terms of exposure, a minimum-level product be a 'placeholder slide' set
> for usage between live webcasts? This would be generated by the LOC, with
> 'event wide' sponsor logos added, and space for hubs to add their own
> sponsor details as appropriate.
> Hope thats all useful, and thanks again to Esk GIS & Mapping.
> Cheers,
> Adam
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