[FOSS4G-UK] Local Logos

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 12:02:43 PDT 2023

Hi all, I've just produced localised versions of the ring logo with each
site highlighted if anyone wants to make local documentation or signage or
swag or anything.

I've shared the images publicly on Dropbox - not sure where's best but if
someone wants to put them on a FOSS4G server then feel free.


They're in the 2023 Uk / Graphics folder.

I've also included the python code that generates them because its
interesting and I've now learnt how to automate browser hover events and
grab screenshots in Python/selenium. I'm sure this will come in handy at
some point! If anyone wants images at a given size they can either use the
code or simply resize the PNGs. I should really I suppose have made
scalable SVGs for each one but.... pah.

I'm not sure about how to license these images - the dotty map was clearly
inspired by the previous dotty map efforts (although its not the same)...
But feel free to use within the FOSS4G and OSGeo contexts.

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