[Foss4g2008loc] Final list of conference topics for comment

Carrin Martin carrin.avri at iceeafrica.co.za
Fri Feb 8 02:14:26 EST 2008


1. Regarding the topic headings.  We wrote the motivation on the
understand that this conference would be an opportunity to have a debate
about the pros and cons of OS and branded software, and that while OS
papers would be given preference, there would still be room for non-OS
papers to ensure debate.  I'm concerned that when people see for e.g.
Participatory GIS with FOSS, that those who have not used FOSS are not
going to submit.  I think we need to relook at the motivation and see if
there is not a sentence or two that we put above the topics to indicate
our intention, and in the development headings, to take out FOSS.  

I would also like to see a bit more focus being given to the education
outreach which was highlighted in the motivation.  Apologies, but I'm
still moving between jobs, and my GISSA documents are in transition so I
don't have the motivation with me.  

2. Regarding the ICA and its conditions.  No logo on the front cover, no
talk at the opening, no free stand, but perhaps some way of
incorporating them into the Cartography and Map Production session, say
a 5 minute overview of the ICA and what it does.  They are a big feature
on the international GIS circuit, and we do want them to send out the
notice to their members. Perhaps a banner in the Cartography
presentation room, and if we run out of sponsors for exhibition space,
perhaps we could come to some arrangement.  

While the ICA does have a South African branch, I think they should
contact their international body to see how they want to support the
event and be involved.  

3. By the way, are we going to keep one stand for GISSA and OSGEO,
possibly to share? 

4. MDG's needs to be spelt out in full - there may be people who are
unaware of what it stands for. 

5. GISSA needs to be given its full name with a link to the GISSA web
site please.  The paragraph below the theme needs to be reworked and
I'll give it some thought today as I understand that there are time


-----Original Message-----
From: foss4g2008loc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:foss4g2008loc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: 07 February 2008 06:07 PM
To: FOSS4G2008 local organising committee
Subject: Re: [Foss4g2008loc] Final list of conference topics for comment

Gavin Fleming wrote:
> Please have a look at the home page text at www.foss4g2008.org 
> <http://www.foss4g2008.org/>, especially the list of topics and
> asap.
> The topics need to be finalised during tomorrow (Friday) so the Call
> Papers can be completed.


I have taken the liberty of adding a link to this from the 2008 section
the main wiki conference page.


Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo,

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