[Foss4g2008loc] Sponsorship list

Wilhelm Herbst wherbst at openspatial.co.za
Thu Jan 17 00:13:35 EST 2008

Magda and Dawn
I suggest you call the MD's of the SA GIS companies personally

-----Original Message-----
From: foss4g2008loc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:foss4g2008loc-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Tyler
Mitchell (OSGeo)
Sent: 17 January 2008 03:04 AM
To: FOSS4G2008 local organising committee
Subject: Re: [Foss4g2008loc] Sponsorship list

On 14-Jan-08, at 10:56 PM, newman, dawn (GPDEV) wrote:

> Magda and I are working and sending letters out for sponsorships  
> and exhibitors.
> If there is anyone that you feel we need to target directly as part  
> of the contacts in our database that we might not have, please  
> forward contact details to Magda Roos and myself urgently.

Hi Dawn,
Is there a way you can tell us who is already on your list?  I have  
Autodesk asking for more information/options.


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