[Foss4g2008loc] Local GIS data

Josh Livni josh at umbrellaconsulting.com
Wed Sep 3 11:02:43 EDT 2008


I think it would be great if there was some repository of local (South
Africa / Cape Town based ) GIS data available for workshop presenters to
integrate, as applicable.

In the workshop I am assisting with it would be great to provide local data
to integrate with.  For example, if we could have some census, zoning,
street, or even the general municipality boundaries to work with, it would
mean our demo app could be aimed at the local region, which I think would be

I was going to contact the GIS folks listed on the capetown.gov.za site, but
figured I would check in here first to see if any of you locals or others
have already hit them up (what was their response?) or otherwise have
located a public download site for this type of data.

Obviously this is not an urgent matter for any workshops -- we can easily
focus on an area where there's lots of freely available data.  But as long
as we're a bunch of GIS folks in Cape Town, I figure we may as well see
about getting our hands on the local stuff.

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