[Foss4g2009] Proposed Change to FOSS4G Tour Host Meeting Dates

FOSS4G OC - Tour Hosts foss4goclist at tourhosts.com.au
Mon Dec 8 19:22:17 EST 2008

Dear All,

The future meeting dates that were proposed for the FOSS4G Tour Host
Meetings were to take place on the first Wednesday of each month.
Unfortunately our executive manager, Daniel Branik, cannot attend these
proposed meetings due to other commitments he has on the same day each

Due to this clash, Tour Hosts would like to ask whether the FOSS4G Tour
Host Meeting dates could be swapped with the FOSS4G OC Meeting dates?
This would mean that the FOSS4G Tour Host meetings would take place on
the third Wednesday of each month instead of the first Wednesday.

Could you please advise your thoughts on the above?

Cameron if this is suitable can you please update this in the Google

Nicole Hosford
Tour Hosts

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