[Foss4g2009] Sponsorship Meeting

Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au
Tue Jul 15 22:26:50 EDT 2008



The email distribution of minutes works better for me, I actually get to 
read them...eventually.


Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> 
Sent by: foss4g2009-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
16/07/2008 10:44 AM

Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
foss4g2009 at lists.osgeo.org
Re: [Foss4g2009] Sponsorship Meeting


  FOSS4G 2009 Meeting 2008-07-02

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*FOSS4G Sponsorship Action Notes*

*In attendance:*

*Committee:* Cameron Shorter (CS), Bruce Bannerman (BB), Jeff McKenna 
(JM), Simon Hope

*Tour Hosts (TH):* Denisa Adamova, Janelle Driscoll, Samantha Cronan – 
Sponsorship and Exhibition Manager, Kirsty O’Brien - Sponsorship and 
Exhibition Sales Representative

CS - to set up a private Wiki. Any finical information relating to the 
Conference will go on the private Wiki (by 11 July) BB - to send Tour 
Hosts the tender document which has all sponsorship and exhibition 
information (by 11 July)

TH - to post questions form the marketing and sponsorship questionnaire 
on Wiki (by 11 July)

All – to find out from 2008 organisers how much sponsorship and 
exhibition sold to date (by 11 July)

TH – once TH reviews the original tender document and will get some 
answers from the 2008 organisers, TH will create Sponsorship hierarchy 
and post it on private Wiki (by 18 July)

All – to comment on the Sponsorship hierarchy (by 25 July)

TH – to review the sponsorship hierarchy and post final version on Wiki 
(by 1 August)

All – final version of the Sponsorship hierarchy to be approved (by 8 

TH - to start drafting the Sponsorship and exhibition document (by 22 

TH – to post the Sponsorship and exhibition document on Wiki (by 22 

All – to comment on the Sponsorship document (by 29 August)

TH – to amend any comments to the Sponsorship and exhibition document 
(by 5 September)

All - Sponsorship document to be approved (by 12 September)

Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Can someone point me to the notes/tasks from the July 2nd sponsorship 
> meeting? I can't seem to find that email, and I know I had some tasks. 
> thanks.
> ---
> Jeff McKenna
> FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services
> http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Commercial Support for Geospatial Open Source Solutions

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