[OSGeo-Conf] Re: [Foss4g2009] What domain name for foss4g2009?

Dave Patton davep at confluence.org
Sat Jul 26 12:59:21 EDT 2008

On 2008/07/26 9:18 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> I'd suggest you make
> http://www.foss4g.org/2009
> the canonical address, as a surprising number of people are attached 
> to that 'www'. Then you'll want to stand for www.foss4g2009.org and 
> foss4g2009.org, with Redirect entries, for legacy searchers, and 
> finally ensure that http://foss4g2009.org/2009 also has a Redirect,
> so that all the search engine entries end up with exactly the same
> URL pattern.

The domain foss4g.org is already registered.
Third level domains, such as www.foss4g.org,
are handled with entries in the second level
domain's DNS server. In terms of what is
published/promoted, I agree with Paul - use
www.foss4g.org (but the "www" is completely
unnecessary for many websites).

As for registering foss4g2009.org, I thought
that was not going to be done, because otherwise
OSGeo has to register a domain with that pattern
for every year?

Finally, if the path part of the URL is "2009"
(as in http://www.foss4g.org/2009) and that is
a reference on the server to a directory, then
the 'trailing slash problem' arises. Having the
server issue the redirect to change it to
http://www.foss4g.org/2009/ is a little bit of
extra overhead, so if this is going to be the
case with the foss4g.org server config, then
it's better to include the trailing slash in
any publicized URL.

Dave Patton
CIS Canadian Information Systems
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

OSGeo FOSS4G2007 conference:
Workshop Committee Chair
Conference Committee member

Personal website:
Maps, GPS, etc.

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