[Foss4g2009] FW: OGC Integration Showcase - Climate Competition Proposal [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Bruce Bannerman B.Bannerman at bom.gov.au
Tue Nov 11 18:26:00 EST 2008

Resend as my email address wasn't subscribed to the list.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Bannerman 
> Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2008 10:20 AM
> To: 'foss4g2009 at lists.osgeo.org'; 
> 'gbuehler at opengeospatial.org'; 'rsingh at opengeospatial.org'
> Cc: Graham de Hoedt
> Subject: OGC Integration Showcase - Climate Competition 
> Further to our discussions on the Integration Showcase...
> This is a first draft proposal that needs additional work to 
> flesh out the details.
> We need to find a catchy name and acronym. Suggestions are welcome.
> I'll start with:
> Climate Competition - OGC (CC-OGC)
> _Proposal_
> The Bureau of Meteorology is prepared to contribute:
> - $30,000 AUD in sponsorship towards this OGC 'Integration 
> Showcase' or whatever we end up calling it. 
>   (Funding would be available next financial year). 
> - Climate related data (preparation will be required)
>   + Tabular, including point data (Oracle/Postgres)
>   + GRID, NetCDF
>   + Raster satellite imagery
>   - We won't be able to distribute topographic data, however 
> other Australian Federal
>     Government Agencies could be approached to allow this to occur.
> - Climate related scenario to drive a solution,e.g.:
>   + What were the meteorological conditions at a particular place and 
>     time or over a particular period or area?
>   + What are the climate characteristics of a particular 
> place or region?
>   + How have those characteristics varied over time?
>   + How are they likely to vary in the future - over a 
> season, from year to 
>     year or decade to decade?
>   These may need to be fine tuned.
> _Other Potential Sponsorship_
> Having a Climate Change related scenario, should reduce the 
> resistance that we may encounter in encouraging organisations 
> to participate.
> - Servers
>   + We could approach some of the big vendors and offer them 
> the opportunity
>     to demonstrate the capabilities of their hardware to 
> handle such an environment.
>     The vendor may even offer systems administration support.
> - Virtualisation
>   + Similarly, we could approach the large virtualisation 
> vendors who would, I'm
>     sure, welcome the chance to showcase their product. 
> Similarly, they would also
>     probably provide systems administration support.
> _What do we want to see_ 
> - Pilot 'Solutions' to answering climate questions using OGC Services.
> - Working prototype 'Solutions' using supplied data.
> - Documentation describing the Technical Architecture and 
> approach taken.
> _Constraints_
> - The design of the solution is left to the competitor.
> - The Solution may be Open Source, Proprietary, or a mix of
>   Open Source and Proprietary components.
> - The Solution must maximise the use of OGC Services and Standards.
> - The Solution must be available for further evaluation by the OGC and
>   Bureau of Meteorology after the competition ends.
> - Judging is to be by a technical panel nominated by the OGC. No
>   correspondence will be entered into.
> - All solutions must run as virtual environments on the same 
> physical server.
> _Who can enter_
> - Vendors
> - Open Source Communities
> - Systems Integrators
> - Academics
> - Government entities
> - Private individuals
> _Entrance Fees_
> A team will need to undertake a detailed evaluation of all entries.
> Therefore we will need to constrain entries to entities who 
> are serious About having a go.
> If they are serious about their entry, they will find an entry fee.
> Any thoughts are welcome.
> Bruce
>    --
>    Bruce Bannerman
>    Supervisor, Computing Support (SRCC)
>    Climate and Oceans Services Branch
>    Bureau of Meteorology
>    700 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3001
>    Australia
>    Tel: +61 3 9669 4093

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