[Foss4g2009] Code Sprint

Tim Bowden tim.bowden at westnet.com.au
Sat Oct 11 11:38:41 EDT 2008

On Sat, 2008-10-11 at 08:15 -0700, Dave Patton wrote:
> On 2008/10/10 5:27 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> > I reckon there is a good chance we will be able to make use of one of 
> > the local universities if we talk to the right people.
> Would it broaden the scope of potential venues to include
> anyone(university or otherwise) who is 'involved with'
> AARNet(e.g. peer, research lab or testbed facility, etc.).
> Might not be a free venue, but if there is free, good,
> Internet access, it might offset with different venues
> that could cost less, but incur costs to have adequate
> network access?

Yes, it would broaden the scope, but so long as we have reasonable
bandwidth I don't think volume is going to be a big issue for the code
sprint.  We will likely have abt 30 (max 50) people for 3 days, so I'm
not anticipating we will be putting an excessive load onto whatever
network we end up on (says Tim who may be making dangerous assumptions
about usage!).  I don't believe the internet bill will be that big
whatever we do, particularly if we put our own web proxy & repo
mirror(s) in which is easy enough to do.

Either way I'm keen to know how many sprinters would consider bringing
partners or offspring, as that will influence the venue somewhat.  I
know there was some interest in Cape Town for people to take advantage
of the "exotic" destination and make a family holiday out of it.


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