[Foss4g2009] Discounts

Bruce Bannerman bruce at bannerman.id.au
Thu Oct 30 05:38:35 EDT 2008


We'll want to look at this and find some middle ground to reward the
hard work of volunteers who put in a lot of effort over a sustained
period of time as opposed to those who put in a short sweet hello for a


On Thu, 2008-10-30 at 09:24 +1100, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> My suggestion is that we don't have any freebies for the conference. I 
> want to ensure we are covering costs.
> Incentives that we offer will be that people can go at cost price. Ie, 
> the cost of variable expenses for one person.
> Workshops will be free to presenters due to the material they need to 
> prepare, and these will be paid for by workshop attendees.
> Committee members will be let in at cost, a token of the effort they 
> have contributed.
> Sponsors will include a free pass.
> Media sponsors (Position Magazine) will include a free pass. (A free 
> pass is swapped for advertising).
> Dave Patton wrote:
> > In a budget meeting yesterday, the subject of "discounts"
> > came up. As a reminder, here's the email I sent about
> > this subject a couple of weeks ago:
> >
> > On 2008/10/10 11:45 PM, Dave Patton wrote:
> >> As it says on the FOSS4G 2007 Lessons Learned page:
> >> "Everyone wants a discount, and everyone feels they
> >> have a right to a discount. As with your policy for
> >> travel support, figure out your discount policy well
> >> in advance."
> >>
> >> I've created a Discounts page for 2009:
> >> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Discounts
> >> For now, all I've done is to copy the 2007 page,
> >> and made some edits to remove some links and to
> >> remove the details for Volunteers.
> >>
> >> We should get the discounts sorted out fairly soon,
> >> and then stick with whatever we decide. The 2008
> >> page has a few additional items, but because it hasn't
> >> been edited since May, I don't know what their actual
> >> discount schedule was:
> >> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2008_Discounts
> >
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