[Foss4g2009] Re: Geospatial Integration Showcase - meeting notes
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 07:05:08 EDT 2008
Bruce, Simon, you have valid concerns about minimising OUR scope, and
indeed I believe this is essential for success.
The showcase, like open source projects will be successful only if lots
of people do a little work.
Lots of people contribute to an Open Source project like Openlayers
because 95% of the functionality exists for my requirements, I only need
to add another 5%. And after many people contribute 5%, the project
becomes effective. The key is that an initial investment needs to be
made so that others can make small additions and get a lot of value.
So base requirement we need to produce for the showcase is:
1. One server with multiple virtual machines which OTHER people can add
their products into.
2. A marketing pipeline - in the form of conferences (which the OGC &
OSGeo should be able to provide at no extra cost).
3. Suggestions for a scenario, which are used by OTHERS when building
their presentations.
Base 0 functionality will contain:
1. PostGIS database
2. Some other database
3. Mapserver WMS/WFS
4. Geoserver WMS/WFS
5. Some other WMS/WFS
I expect that software developer communities will set up these services
for us.
That is it.
Other vendors can then invest their own time to add extra functionality.
mapbutcher wrote:
> Folks,
> I have a couple of concerns:
> 1. Within the context of the conference next year we have a small
> amount of people at this stage and a growing set of tasks to complete.
> From comments made by Gavin, Paul, Jeff, Dave etc to this list and
> from my conversations with others who are regularly involved with
> running conferences - it will be a significant amount of work - which
> we shouldn't under-estimate. I don't want to rain on this as I agree
> with Cameron - a successful integration showcase is a draw card, but
> given our very tight resources is it going to be realistically achievable?
> 2. What is it we are actually talking about - I'm keen to avoid
> discussions about servers/platforms/who owns what etc etc until we are
> clear on what we are proposing
> So I would like to propose that we direct discussions in the direction
> of scope - this will hopefully provide us all with a common
> understanding of what we are trying to achieve, and it provides us
> with a clear definition which we can take out to a wider community to
> canvas interest.
> The GeoSpatial Integration Showcase might be an event which is
> :supported by permanent or temporary infrastructure?
> :supported by an environment which can host multiple operating
> systems\configurations?
> :is open to open source projects and proprietary vendors?
> :can support some kind of benchmarking of system to system performance?
> :promotes the use of OGC standards as a means to integrate technology?
> :demonstrates a purpose which is beyond pure demonstration of
> component integration?
> :has a common theme which can be conveyed to all participants?
> :has a common set of data which can be shared by all participants?
> One approach is to focus on developing a framework which is
> transferable and continues to be attractive to participants. Where
> participants can integrate on a level playing field, with a known set
> of constants (infrastructure, environment, data, scenario)? What are
> the outputs of this repeatable event? Perhaps the big picture is a
> project which supports the continuing development of these showcase
> events, with a website supporting the publication of the annual
> theme/scenario and data, where the *rules of engagement* are clear for
> all participants to see, where interested parties can find out
> information on the purpose of the annual integration showcase and see
> the results of previous years event? A facility which provides
> organisations with a set of use cases and demonstrated technology
> solutions - this is where i think the real value is.
> On a practical level what might this involve?
> At FOSS4G 2009 we aim to prove the concept. We do not invest on a
> permanent basis but rather lay out a simple set of principles and aim
> to get a number of committed participants (I think even this is
> ambitious given our time frames, commitments etc). We aim primarily at
> proving and understanding the process so we can pass it on, the
> results should change from event to event?
> My feeling is that these larger questions need to be clear before we
> go and think about formalising things?
> Simon
> 2008/10/30 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com
> <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>>
> Read from bottom to top: discussion between OGC and OSGeo about a
> Geospatial Integration Showcase:
> I'm +1 for server installed with Virtual Machines as suggested by
> Raj and Bruce.
> In answer to Raj's question, I believe the OGC should be custodian
> of the Showcase VM/Server. To attract vendors, the Showcase should
> not be locked into one vendor, or open source solution.
> CCed to the foss4g list with permission from Bruce, Raj and myself.
> Greg, it would be good to move over to an OGC email list soon if
> you are able to provide that infrastructure.
> Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Cameron,
> We still need a better definition of what this 'thing' is that
> we are
> trying to put together.
> You have provided a good start with your example, however I
> find it
> difficult to believe that all vendors would like their
> products mastered
> on an Open Source DVD.
> Ideally, I'd like to see this run, managed and maintained by
> the OGC to
> ensure that the perception of a Level Playing Field is
> maintained. We
> can and should help to drive 'it'.
> For another suggestion as to what 'it' might be:
> I agree with the need for a scenario driven approach, however this
> should be portable. We'll want to allow additional scenarios
> in the
> future if this 'thing' is to be portable.
> We could look at sourcing a high performance server and run
> something
> like VMWare ESX Server as the host platform. OGC would be
> responsible
> for administering the ESX server.
> We could then offer each vendor the opportunity to configure a
> virtual
> server using their Operating System of choice, configured and
> tuned to
> ensure optimal performance for their products. The vendor would be
> responsible for maintaining 'their' virtual server.
> During the event, ESX Admin consoles would need to be made
> public to
> ensure that all participants to see that all virtual servers were
> allocated equal resources.
> This would then give us a level playing field with which to
> compare
> product performance on the same set of data.
> This is another take on an 'Integration Showcase'.
> Bruce
> --
> Bruce Bannerman
> Supervisor, Climate Centre Computing Support
> National Climate Centre
> Bureau of Meteorology
> 700 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic 3001
> Australia
> Tel: +61 3 9669 4093
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raj Singh [mailto:rsingh at opengeospatial.org
> <mailto:rsingh at opengeospatial.org>] Sent: Thursday, 30
> October 2008 8:04 AM
> To: Cameron Shorter
> Cc: Greg Buehler; Simon Hope; Bruce Bannerman; Jeff McKenna
> Subject: Re: Geospatial Integration Showcase - meeting notes
> You talk about creating a server that moves around to
> different venues. I like this idea as it would do a few
> things:
> - deployable on a LAN, avoiding exploitative Internet
> access costs at conferences
> - take the speed vagaries of the general Internet out of
> the equation when examining performance
> - easier to tweak and administer as it wouldn't be behind
> a firewall or subject to some rigid sys admin
> However, who would own it or at least be the caretaker?
> OGF? OGC? Would it be passed down to FOSS4G conference
> committees?
> ---
> Raj
> On Oct 29, at 3:57 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Raj, Greg, Simon, Bruce, Jeff,
> I'd like to CC this email to the foss4g email list for
> transparency and archiving. Could you please confirm
> to me that it is ok.
> I have ACTION items listed below.
> =Geospatial Integration Showcase Teleconference=
> 29 October 2008
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=10&day=29&y
> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=10&day=29&y>
> ear=2008&hour=8&min=0&sec=0&p1=240
> Next meeting in 2 weeks:
> Tu/We 11 or 12 November 2008. 5pm in New York. 8am in
> Sydney.
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=11&day=12&y
> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=11&day=12&y>
> ear=2008&hour=8&min=0&sec=0&p1=240
> Present:
> * Greg Buehler OGC,
> * Raj Singh OGC,
> * Cameron Shorter LISAsoft, FOSS4G Australia,
> * Bruce Bannerman Bureau of Meteorology, FOSS4G Australia,
> * Simon Hope, ESRI Australia, FOSS4G Australia,
> * Jeff McKenna, OSGeo Conference/FOSS4G Committees
> Agenda:
> * Define Integration Showcase
> * Identify action items to achieve showcase
> Wiki:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Geospatial_Integration_Showcase
> ==Discussion==
> Cameron's definition of showcase:
> # The Geospatial Integration Showcase provides an
> easily
> deployable,
> practical demonstration of standards based
> interoperability between geospatial applications.
> # Easily redeployed between conferences # Install
> software on one server with numerous virtual machines.
> # Client software on another computer
> # Open Source LiveDVD will provide core functionality
> ==Discussion==
> Over email for the next 2 weeks we need to define the
> Integration Showcase. Elements that we need to define are:
> === Scenario ===
> * What scenario should we use?
> * Scenario needs to satisfy sponsors
> * Should be Australian based in order to interest
> local FOSS4G attendees
> * Noted that Australia is interested in Climate Change
> and
> water (lack
> of it)
> * Noted that GEOSS have scenarios (from FOSS4G2008?)
> that may be applicable.
> ** ACTION: Greg/Raj to source GEOSS scenarios
> * CSIRO/BOM have mandate and budget to address Climate
> change and will
> likely be interested.
> === Data ===
> * Need to source data suppliers
> * Bruce doesn't see a problem sourcing data from
> Australian
> government
> agencies
> === Marketing/Sponsorship ===
> * OGC to use their channels to attract vendors and
> sponsors
> * OGC to add name and take a coordinating role so that
> the
> showcase is
> seen as a Standards based showcase, not an Open Source
> showcase.
> This is important for attracting proprietary vendors.
> * OGC likely will be able to provide OGC twiki for
> collaboration, including twiki, issue tracker, email
> lists. This is better
> provided
> by OGC than OSGeo in order to attract proprietary vendors.
> * Marketing material should be created, which will
> likely
> include some
> of:
> ** Recorded webinar presentation
> ** Professionally created movie including screen
> captures, anchor voice over, related images, etc
> * ACTION: Greg to confirm what OGC can provide and
> costs (if any) associated with OGC provided services.
> === Targeting Vendors ===
> * Need to provide attractive value proposition for vendors
> * Criteria for vendors is that they are Open
> Standards. Proprietary vendors need to be attracted as
> well as Open Source. This has been iterated on OSGeo
> email lists.
> === Targeting Geospatial Buyers ===
> * Testbed needs to put capabilities in front of buyers
> === Collaborators on board ===
> * Europeans are discussing a "Persistent testbed"
> which is very similar. We need to engage these
> participants.
> * ACTION: Greg/Raj to contact and invite collaboration
> with
> Persistent
> testbed stakeholders.
> === Infrastructure ===
> * Still needs to be defined
> * Potentially a server with multiple virtual machines
> in a
> conference,
> with participants connecting via their clients around
> the centre
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Systems Architect
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and
> Open Source http://www.lisasoft.com
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Systems Architect
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
> http://www.lisasoft.com
Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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