[Foss4g2009] Videoing sessions at the conf

Janelle Driscoll jdriscoll at tourhosts.com.au
Tue Sep 23 19:34:24 EDT 2008

Just to make sure that I'm asking the right question, are you looking at
bringing in your own equipment to recored sessions?


On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 22:16 +1000, mapbutcher wrote:
> Tim,
> Would you mind directing me to where the limitations are stated?
> Cheers
> Simon
>From memory it was something Marie-Claire said early on in a phone conf
when we were at the bidding stage, though my memory is notoriously
faulty.  Linux Australia offered use of their AV sets but there was some
problem on the part of the convention centre with our using them.

Can TH please clear up what we are allowed to do here?

Given we have access to multiple sets of AV hardware (and assuming we
can get sufficient suitably skilled volunteer bodies to run them) it
would be a pity not to take advantage of it.

Also of note is that LA offered about 40 - 50 or so (iirc) wrt54g
wireless access points.  We can't use them in the conf centre obviously
but if we want any offsite ad-hoc wireless networks (labs or code
sprint?) they may come in handy.


> 2008/9/20 Tim Bowden <tim.bowden at westnet.com.au>
>         Will we be able to video sessions at the conf?  We will have
>         access to
>         the AV gear, but iirc there may be limitations here if we go
>         with the
>         convention centre?
>         Regards,
>         Tim
>         --
>         Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you recognize
>         a mistake
>         when you make it again.
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