[Foss4g2009] TH/OC meeting minutes

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 01:01:28 EDT 2009

Note: there are number of action items for participants below.

    * Thursday 16th April 2009, 1300 - 1400 (Sydney Time)

    * Agenda:
          o Budget
                + Budget Discussion (OC/TH)
          o Program
                + Program Update (SH)
          o Name Badges
                + Name Badge Mock Ups (OC/TH)
          o Next Meeting
                + Wednesday 20th May 2009, 1300 – 1400


    * Cameron
    * Tyler
    * Shoaib
    * Kirsty, TH
    * Julia, TH
    * Daniel, TH
    * Bruce Bannerman
    * Andrew Bashfield
    * Harley


    * Budget:
          o Organising committee agreed to increase price of conference
            by $100 per delegate.
          o Organising committee also agreed to increase price of
            conference by a further 5%. We will then offer a 5% discount
            to members of specific organisations in return for their
            promotion of the event. In particular, we will provide this
            discount to Spatial Science Institution (SSI) and Australian
            Computer Society (ACS).
          o Action: TH to update budget by COB Fri 17 April.
          o Action: Andrew to follow up with SSI re endorsement, and
            getting education credits assigned to the conference
          o Action: Bruce to follow up with ACS
          o Action: Tyler to endevour to get OSGeo board to sign off on
            budget ASAP, as we can't open the conference for
            registration until this is cleared up.
          o Action: TH to add another sign up page for organistions
            receiving a discount.

    * Program
          o Andrew Bashfield has secured Warrick Watkins, head of ANZLIC
            and NSW Dept Lands, as a speaker.
          o Action: Andrew to liaise with Simon re adjusting the program

    * Promotion:
          o Andrew suggested promoting at:
          o Action: Andrew to determine if SSI has booth or similar that
            Cameron Shorter can stand at to promote FOSS4G/OSGeo.

    * Website
          o Action: Harley and Shoaib to update website content to be
            more business focused and less techie focused. In
            particular, the front page and sponsorship page.
          o Action: Shoaib to chase workshop and tutorial presenters for
            a bio for the website, and update website

    * Press releases
          o Call for registration to go out ideally on 27 April,
            assuming budget is finalised. The press release should
            include a reminder about submitting papers, asking potential
            presenters to enter their details so we can send them
          o Action: Harley to draft press release. (Should be able to
            mostly cut and paste from previous releases). Note, the
            press release should be completed one week early, to give
            time for translation.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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