[Foss4g2009] Re: Tweaking and finalising the program

Mark Leslie mrk.leslie at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 22:32:41 EST 2009

One question came to mind with regard to the room layouts.  Will we 
require a different setup for Tutorials and Sessions?  I suppose this 
comes down to whether we are putting tables into the tutorial rooms or 
letting people run their laptops in their laps.  I bring this up because 
the latest program proposal has the potential to require six 
reconfigurations (of two rooms) during three days.  The previous 
required two.  The addition of tables would also reduce the number of 
people the rooms can handle.  Is everyone happy running tutorials 
without tables?

Mark Leslie
Geospatial Software Architect

Ph: +61 2 8570 5000 Fax: +61 2 8570 5099 Mob: +61
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf 19-21 Pirrama Rd Pyrmont NSW 2009

LISAsoft is part of the A2end Group of Companies

Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> * We have a spare keynote speaker slot. Paul Ramsey has been 
>> recommended. Paul recommends Damian Conway, who presented to rave 
>> reviews at FOSS4G 2007, and who happens to be Australian. (Will cost 
>> us ~ $2000, which is in our budget).
>> http://damian.conway.org/About_us/Bio_formal.html
> I've chased Damian Conway, and he has responded saying he doesn't feel 
> he can give a worthy speech, unless he gives exactly the same speech he 
> gave in FOSS4G 2007, which he didn't want to do.
> So I'm hoping Paul Ramsey will accept the offer to keynote the last day.

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