[Foss4g2009] [Fwd: SSI e-News - SPATIAL MATTERS 18 Feb 2009]

Bruce Bannerman bruce at bannerman.id.au
Thu Feb 19 04:52:35 EST 2009


The Australian Spatial Sciences Institute have sent out info on
FOSS4G-2009 to all members of SSI.

See below...

They have helped us out despite not having their 5% cut.

May I suggest a letter of thanks from either Cameron or Tyler (perhaps


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: SSI Members <members at spatialsciences.org.au>
To: SSI Members <members at spatialsciences.org.au>
Subject: SSI e-News - SPATIAL MATTERS 18 Feb 2009
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 10:26:14 +1100

SSI e-News  


Vol 2: 18 February 2009:


 Inside this edition:


·                 FOSS4G – Sydney 20-23 October 2009-02-18


Sydney  20-23 October

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is holding its annual conference,
FOSS4G, in  Sydney this year. FOSS4G is heralded as the international
gathering of open source geospatial communities, where developers and
users show off their latest software and projects. The theme for 2009 is
"User Driven", highlighting the power of Open Source to solve business

              Further information: http://2009.foss4g.org

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