[Foss4g2009] Draft Press Release announcing abstracts

mapbutcher mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com
Mon Jul 13 20:41:04 EDT 2009

Selecting less than half of the papers submitted
is a tough job for the organizers and could be
also unpleasant for authors whose submissions
are not selected.
>>The reality is we would like to accept them all, but unfortunately we have
a fixed schedule. I'm sure everybody who submitted a presentation is well
aware of this and accepts that they may not get the opportunity to present.

Recently, I have also heard
from some authors that number of rejections of
almost 50% of the submission was rather high.

>>We knew in advance how many presentation slots we had to fill, the
percentage seems high but that IMO is a positive reflection on the interest
in the conference. It's simply impossible to cater for all of the
presentation submissions. By offering the posters and demo theatre we would
hope to the reduce some of the 'unpleasantess' of the rejection.

I also feel that several good submission may
end up being rejected.

>>Inevitably this will happen yes, and we have tried to provide an inclusive
and transparent process to assist authors understand why their presentation
may not be accepted. It is not realistic to coordinate all the reasons and
provide a personal response to authors who are not accepted.

I think that there is
no need (or time) to send new call for poster


poster presentations could be
selected form the submission that could not be
accepted for oral presentation for the want of
time slots to accommodate them.

>>As previously discussed i favor an approach which removes the need for
further selection. This involves a simple invite to prepare a poster and
a commitment from the committee to provide the facilities to host the X
number of posters. The main reason why we have not acted up to this point on
posters is strict budget constraints which incidentally still exist,
therefore the main issue which needs resolution is a committee decision
on commitment to spend the $$ on hosting the posters.


2009/7/14 Venka <venka.osgeo at gmail.com>

> Selecting less than half of the papers submitted
> is a tough job for the organizers and could be
> also unpleasant for authors whose submissions
> are not selected. Recently, I have also heard
> from some authors that number of rejections of
> almost 50% of the submission was rather high.
> I also feel that several good submission may
> end up being rejected.
> As in other conferences, I think that there is
> no need (or time) to send new call for poster
> submission and poster presentations could be
> selected form the submission that could not be
> accepted for oral presentation for the want of
> time slots to accommodate them.
> Venka
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> I'm not up to speed on Poster sessions. At the moment, I don't think we
>> have the details for the poster session in place.
>> We haven't asked people to register for poster sessions, and selected
>> appropriate poster sessions. Are we putting out a call for poster sessions
>> now? What is the timeframe for when people need to put their submissions in?
>> What are the details and costs etc?
>> I'm hopeful that any poster session covers expenses, so we need someone to
>> get on top of these details.
>> Venka wrote:
>>> Hi Cameron,
>>> Perhaps we can add about poster session in the press
>>> release. I think the poster can be selected from
>>> rank 85 to rank 125
>>> "Community participation in the abstract selection was impressive, with
>>> over 150 community members selecting 85 general and 40 poster track
>>> abstracts from the 183 submitted and a further 12 academic abstracts
>>> selected by 52 academic peers."
>>> Best regards
>>> Venka
>>> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>> I've drafted a press release announcing the abstract selection at:
>>>> We should finalise this by tomorrow (Tuesday) so that we can give
>>>> translators a week to translate it.
>>>> Please provide review comments on the text below, or update the wiki
>>>> directly.
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Press_Release_21
>>>>  FOSS4G Abstracts announced + Early Bird registration looming
>>>> Sydney, Australia. 20 July 2009. http://2009.foss4g.org
>>>>   Abstracts Announced
>>>> A comprehensive list of presentations has been announced for the
>>>> international Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial conference, in
>>>> Sydney, Australia, 20-23 October 2009.
>>>> Abstracts presented by the world's best Developers, Policy Makers,
>>>> Sponsors and Geospatial Professionals include the latest geospatial
>>>> applications, standards, government programs, business processes and case
>>>> studies.
>>>> Topics include mobile platforms, location based applications, crowd
>>>> sourcing, cloud computing, development, spatial standards, integration of
>>>> cross-agency data, Spatial Data Infrastructures, Sensor Webs, Web Processing
>>>> Services, Integration of Open Source and Proprietary Software and more.
>>>> For the full list of quality abstracts, view:
>>>> http://2009.foss4g.org/presentations/
>>>> Community participation in the abstract selection was impressive, with
>>>> over 150 community members selected 85 general track abstracts from the 183
>>>> submitted and a further 12 academic abstracts selected by 52 academic peers.
>>>>   Early Bird Registration
>>>> After getting inspired from the breadth of abstracts, be sure to
>>>> register for the FOSS4G conference. Early Bird registration closes in less
>>>> than two weeks, on 31 July, 2009. http://2009.foss4g.org/registration/
>>>>   Upcoming milestones
>>>>   * 31 Jul 2009, *Early bird registration deadline*
>>>>   * 14 Sep 2009, *Completed program available on the wiki*
>>>>   * 20 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Workshop
>>>>   * 21-23 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Presentations and Tutorials
>>>>   * 24 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Code Sprint
>>>>   [edit
>>>>   <
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php?title=FOSS4G_2009_Press_Release_21&action=edit&section=5>]
>>>>   Media Sponsors
>>>>   * Position Magazine: http://www.positionmag.com.au/
>>>>   * Asian Surveying and Mapping Newsletter: http://www.asmmag.com
>>>>   * Geoconnexions Magazine: http://www.geoconnexion.com/
>>>>   * Directions Magazine: http://directionsmag.com/
>>>>   * GIS Development: http://gisdevelopment.net/
>>>>   * Baliz Media: http://www.BALIZ-MEDIA.com/
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> For more information or to keep informed from the FOSS4G Organising
>>>> Committee, join our email list or twitter feed at:
>>>> http://2009.foss4g.org/contacts/
>>>> or contact:
>>>> Cameron Shorter, Chair of the FOSS4G Organising Committee and Geospatial
>>>> Systems Architect at LISAsoft
>>>> tel  +61-2-8570-5050
>>>> c a m e r o n . s h o r t e r @ l i s a s o f t . c o m
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