[Foss4g2009] FOSS4G looking for advice from local chapters

Bruce Bannerman bruce at bannerman.id.au
Wed Mar 4 04:30:35 EST 2009


Without wanting to diminish the importance of what you are trying to do,
what is this list for?

Isn't Discuss an international list?

Bruce Bannerman

On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 19:00 +1100, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> The FOSS4G organising committee is keen to get advise on how we should 
> structure FOSS4G to make it attractive to local regions. In particular, 
> we are especially interested in feedback from our close neighbours in 
> the Asia/Pacific region. One of the great things about FOSS4G is that it 
> moves around the world, sharing the unique opportunity of FOSS4G to 
> local regions.  We want to make sure we share this with as many people 
> as we can in our local region.
> We will continue this thread on the following email list:
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/options/www_international-discuss
> Please join if you are not already on the list, and are interested in 
> taking part.
> We will also use this email list to give local translators advance 
> warning of upcoming media releases, to give them time to translate and 
> release locally.
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