[Foss4g2009] FOSS4G and Ignite Spatial

mapbutcher mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com
Sun Mar 15 19:42:19 EDT 2009

If we are going to remove tutorial sessions


2009/3/16 Mark Leslie <mrk.leslie at gmail.com>

> If we are going to remove tutorial sessions (there are no labs) we need to
> decide this /immediately/ as we are in the middle of selecting tutorials.
>  Mark,
>> I like your idea of extending the Lightening Talks on 22 Oct to ~ an hour,
>> possibly reducing the time for labs/presentations, and getting Stephen to
>> take run it.
>> Program at:
>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pm1bvJQodiW3WBYGU7MM0Og&hl=en_GB
>> Mark Leslie wrote:
>>> I like the idea of this, but I'm very hesitant to start mixing it with
>>> other events, as in points 2 and 3.  Looking over out schedule, we do have a
>>> half hour block for lightning talks which have a similar format (Thursday
>>> 9-9:30) which are bracketed by keynote speakers.  This itself seems a little
>>> odd.  Personally I would be happier putting both keynotes first and then
>>> running the Ignite session.  Since we have yet to fill one keynote slot, we
>>> could extend the session to an hour.  That assumes that Stephan, and any of
>>> the Ignite crowd that would take part, would be delegates at the conference.
>>> The idea to have the Ignite event before the conference and invite the
>>> speakers to give sneak previews is brilliant, but 'before the conference' in
>>> our case is two days before most speakers will be arriving in Sydney.  We
>>> could put it after the workshops on the first day, but nobody will be happy
>>> losing the welcome reception, and the pub is a terrible venue for this
>>> event.
>>> Stephan,
>>> I would be very happy for you to help out on the workshop staging.  If
>>> you want to sign up for the workshops mailing list at
>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/conference-workshops, I'll be
>>> trying to organise people through there before the conference, both
>>> volunteers and workshop presenters.  I expect fairly low volume until the
>>> month before the conference :)
>>> --
>>> Mark
>>> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>> Stephen, thanks for forwarding to the list.
>>>> As mentioned on the phone, I think you have some good ideas here, and
>>>> I'm interested to hear what the others on the committee think.
>>>> A couple of options come to mind, probably with a number of tweaks on
>>>> both sides
>>>> 1. Have the talk on the Monday night before the workshops. Focus more on
>>>> proprietary vendors and hence provide a different angle to the conference.
>>>> 2. Replace the existing welcome reception. This already has a pub venue
>>>> set up.
>>>> Downside is that people will likely be wanting to talk to each other and
>>>> not listening in.
>>>> 3. Make this part of the existing "Demo Theatre" which is planned to be
>>>> run as part of lunches and morning teas during the conference.
>>>> Stephen Lead wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> I've only just heard about FOSS4G and signed up to the mailing lists.
>>>>> I've been working in GIS for the past 10 years in Australia and the UK,
>>>>> mainly using (not very free or open source) proprietary software. I'm
>>>>> currently contracting at the NSW Department of Lands in a GIS role.
>>>>> I run an event in Sydney called Ignite Spatial <
>>>>> http://www.ignitespatial.com/> - it's a presentation evening for GIS
>>>>> and mapping folks with a "lightning talks" format, where each presenter gets
>>>>> exactly 5 minutes to give their presentation.
>>>>> To get an idea of Ignite Spatial, check ou the presentations here <
>>>>> http://www.ignitespatial.com/?page_id=13> - some good examples are
>>>>> Chris O'Dell, Diana Mounter or Richard Lane. I also run Ignite Sydney, where
>>>>> presenters can speak about any topic they like. There's a great presentation
>>>>> here <
>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UYZtjQICiM&feature=channel_page%20>
>>>>> which talks about Lean programming - this gives a good idea of the
>>>>> possibilities of the Ignite format.
>>>>> Do you think that FOSS4G would be interested in doing a tie-in, and
>>>>> running an Ignite Spatial event one evening during your conference?
>>>>> One option would be to run it on the first night of conference as a
>>>>> welcoming party, and have some of your speakers give a 5 minute overview of
>>>>> their presentations. This would allow people to decide which presentations
>>>>> to attend.
>>>>> Another option is simply to run it on one of the evenings as an open
>>>>> event whereby any of the attendees is able to give a presentation on
>>>>> something Spatial.
>>>>> Entrance would be free to anyone who wishes to attend. We would expect
>>>>> around 150 of "our" people to attend, so if FOSS4G attendees were also
>>>>> coming we'd need a bigger venue - is this something that FOSS4G could
>>>>> organise at the convention centre?
>>>>> I'm also interested in helping out with stage managing some of the
>>>>> workshops or sessions in the conference, if this is of interest to you.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Steve
>>>>> 0410 638 348
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