[Foss4g2009] Next press release: Wed 1 April: Call for sponsors, and what needs to be done to prepare

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 16:20:35 EDT 2009

In order to attract FOSS4G sponsors to commit, I propose:

* We put out a press release "Get your logo onto the FOSS4G website 
before registration opens". Draft at:
My intent is to make this a limited press release, only to potential 
sponsors, and community leaders, but not to be spammed to everyone.

* Notify translators that a press release is coming, but doesn't need to 
be translated. (Cameron).

* Collect as many commitments from friendly sponsors we know of before 
then in order to encourage others to get their logos on board. 
Organising Committee, could you please ping these potential sponsors.

* Introduce a "Bronze Sponsor" category at $AU1000 (which equates to 
$US700). This will include logo on the website, and mention in the program.

* Finalise sponsorship arrangements for Ignite Spatial. (Action: 
Cameron, Stephen and Kirsty)

* Update the website with logos. Shoaib, are you able to manage the logo 
updates? You might want to suggest a process which Tour Host and others 
can follow to make it easier for you. (TH has access to svn now).

* Revise some of the text on our marketing material (like the website) 
to emphasis that FOSS4G is targeting the Business of FOSS4G as well as 
techies. (We have strong feedback from Landgate that their perception of 
FOSS4G was that it is just for techies, and that regional SDI sponsors 
are much more likely to send business people to the conference than 

* Send out the press release on Wednesday. Follow up with phone calls, 
ideally from the Organising Committee on Thursday. I'm expecting all the 
Organising Committee to make phone calls, then update our potential 
sponsor list with the status after calling so we don't hit the same 
sponsor twice.
Let me know if you haven't got access to this sponsors list and need it.
Kirsty, can you please coordinate this.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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