[Foss4g2009] Registration

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Mon May 4 13:43:39 EDT 2009

I just went through registration and two items came to mind
- in the questionaire on "how you heard about foss4g" we're missing an
option for "I attended last year" (my answer, and probably the answer
of some hundreds of people)
- it's not clear how people with discounts (workshop presenters,
committee, me, etc) register, there's no place for a discount code,

On picky notes, showing all the prices during the early bird term is a
little odd, and showing workshop selection to people who didn't choose
workshops will probably lead to some confusion requiring that people
be re-contacted to confirm their desires (either they check the box
and don't select any workshops, or they don't check the box and they
do select workshops... what's their actual intent?).


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