[Foss4g2009] Re: GITA and FOSS4G

Bruce Bannerman bruce at bannerman.id.au
Tue May 19 23:00:02 EDT 2009


I have not been involved with this.


On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 11:59 +1000, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Andrew, Bruce,
> Where are we up to regarding engaging GITA with FOSS4G?
> I'd like to see GITA "endorse" FOSS4G, and promote FOSS4G through their 
> marketing channels.
> Chris Hanlon wrote:
> > I have a board meeting tomorrow.
> > If you write to me asking for endorsement of conference I will table and get
> > actioned asap.
> >
> > -

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