[Foss4g2009] FW: People want your FOSS4G presentations

Anne Fitzgerald am.fitzgerald at qut.edu.au
Sun Nov 8 06:41:55 EST 2009

I, Anne Fitzgerald confirm that my presentation titled "A review of international developments in policy and legal frameworks for sharing of spatial data" and presented
during the FOSS4G 2009 is available to all under the terms of the
Creative Commmons Attribution-Share Alike license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/

I think that our presentation was uploaded to the conference computers and that we completed a Copyright Release form for the videoing of our presentation on the day; however please let us know if we have not completed the form.

Professor Anne Fitzgerald
QUT Law Faculty
T; (07) 3138 7695
Email: am.fitzgerald at qut.edu.au
From: Cameron Shorter [cameron.shorter at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Cameron Shorter [cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 28 October 2009 5:52 PM
To: Shoaib Burq; Andrew Ross
Subject: People want your FOSS4G presentations

FOSS4G presenters,

We need your compressed presentations, and an OK to release
presentations and video of you under Creative Commons, if we are to
publish them on the FOSS4G website.

Thank you for presenting at FOSS4G. I've had many people tell me what an
excellent conference this has been, and in particular, expressed how
good the presentations were.

I've also been getting many requests for FOSS4G presentations, and video
recordings of the presentations, and we are hoping to have these all
uploaded to the website within a week, although it might take us two. We
already have all the presentations that were uploaded onto the
conference computers. Some of these presentations are very big, up to 1
Gig in size, which is unsuitable for downloading. Other people presented
off their laptops, and we don't have those presentations.

So what we are looking for is:

    * Confirm that your presentation may be made available, preferably
      via the Creative Commmons Attribution-Share Alike license:
      http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ Do this by sending
      an email to foss4g2009 at lists.osgeo.org stating:

I, <first name> <last name> confirm that my presentation titled "<title>", and presented
during the FOSS4G 2009 is available to all under the terms of the
Creative Commmons Attribution-Share Alike license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/

    * If your presentation was greater than 10 Meg, can you please
      compress it, maybe by converting to PDF, then
          o upload to: http://presentationsfoss4g.arinex.com.au/ with
            user/password: foss4g/Upl0ad
          o email presentations.foss4g at arinex.com.au and Shoaib (CCed)
            with the uploaded file name, title, presenter, and
            presenter's email address (so we can link to right location
            on the website).
    * If your presentation was not loaded onto the conference system (at
      the speaker ready area), then can you ensure it is uploaded via
      process above.
    * If your presentation was videoed, and you have not filled out a
      Copyright Release form, can you please fill one in, scan it, and
      email to Andrew Ross (CCed). The release form can be downloaded

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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