[Foss4g2009] what is where when

Jody Garnett Jody.Garnett at lisasoft.com
Tue Sep 1 03:00:21 EDT 2009

What is where when ....

I just had a hard time using the website (and the phone) to help a customer organize their week; and to see if I had any time to meet with them.

Evening activates are here -

But they are not listed in chorological  order.

Code Sprint date is only mentioned here:

-          http://2009.foss4g.org/index.html

Schedule only lists three days (of a four day event; or a five day event if you are going to the code sprint)

-          http://2009.foss4g.org/schedule/

I could not find on the website when the workshops are being held .. I believe it is the Tuesday :). Oh here it is as a bullet point on the schedule page :)

With this in mind can we update the Schedule page to have the following table....

Click on the links below for draft details of the conference programme. Note the programme is current at August 2009 and is subject to change.

Tuesday October 20th


Install Fest / Welcome Reception

Wednesday October 21st

Day 1

Ignite Spatial

Thursday October 22nd

Day 2

Dinner Cruise

Friday October 23rd

Day 3

Saturday October 24th

Code Sprint

Thanks muchly,

Jody Garnett
Geospatial Systems Architect

Ph: +61 2 8570 5050   Fax: +61 2 8570 5099
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf 19-21 Pirrama Rd Pyrmont NSW 2009

LISAsoft is part of the A2end Group of Companies

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