[Foss4g2009] Upcoming press release for Monday

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Sep 17 09:44:14 EDT 2009

Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> I think we need to send out another major press release, probably on 
>> Monday, to remind potential delegates about FOSS4G, and to get them 
>> subscribed. I have a blank template at:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Press_Release_31
>> In it we should cover:
>> * Schedule is out (Thanks Simon, Harley, Shoaib)
>> * Live DVD: beta version ready, please download, thrash it, and report 
>> bugs.
>> * Extra activities, check them out and sign yourself up: Code Sprint, 
>> Birds of Feather, ...
>> * What else?
> It should also contain a section on the Web Server Benchmarking 
> presentation.  I'm putting some notes in Press_Release_31 now.

By the way, the section on the benchmarking presentation on the site is 
mangled (http://2009.foss4g.org/presentations/#presentation_109)...part 
of my Bio appears first under the "Web Mapping Performance Shoot-out" 
title, by mistake.  Can someone correct this section?  Or do I have 
permissions to edit this?


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