[Foss4g2009] AGM timing, again

mapbutcher mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com
Sun Sep 20 05:32:38 EDT 2009

Just to close this thread, I've uploaded the schedule onto the website:

<http://2009.foss4g.org/schedule/>This now shows the BoF occurring on the
Thursday only and the AGM as planned on the Wednesday - Bruce has the BoF
room organisation etc in hand



2009/9/20 mapbutcher <mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com>

> Bruce, Cameron, Tyler others,
> Thanks for the input.
> I'm keeping the AGM where it is and advertising the BoF in the schedule on
> the Thursday.
> Simon
> 2009/9/20 Bruce Bannerman <bruce at bannerman.id.au>
> Let's not procrastinate guys, we're on the home stretch.
>> I agree with Tyler, I'd go with:
>> - the AGM on the Wednesday.
>> - only one BOF on the Thursday.
>> We'll be packing up on Friday and will likely not have access to the
>> venue. If anything we'll be kicked out ;-)
>> If people feel strongly, they'll self organise and have any number of
>> unofficial BOFs anyway.
>> Bruce
>> On Sun, 2009-09-20 at 06:01 +1000, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> > I think it wise to keep 2 BOF sessions, at least for the international
>> > participants, who will likely want to attend two different BOF sessions.
>> >
>> > I also think that many of the locals will be at the conference to check
>> > out the software and won't be as interested in the internal workings of
>> > OSGeo.
>> >
>> > So I'd be inclined to put the AGM on Friday evening. (International
>> > people will still likely be in town, locals will be heading home).
>> >
>> > However, I'd can be convinced to have the second BOF on Friday if others
>> > push for it.
>> >
>> > Tyler, Simon, your call.
>> >
>> > Dave Patton wrote:
>> > > On 2009/09/19 4:24 AM, mapbutcher wrote:
>> > >> then perhaps we have two choices:
>> > >> 1. we don't dilute and ensure BoF run on Thursday evening only,
>> > >> leaving the
>> > >> AGM where it is.
>> > >> 2. we move the AGM to after the conference close on the friday @
>> > >> 4:45pm and
>> > >> have the BoF both wed/thurs
>> > >
>> > > 3. Have the AGM on Wednesday, with no conflicting activities
>> > > scheduled, and have time for BOFs on Thursday evening and
>> > > after the conference close on Friday at 4:45PM
>> > >
>> > > P.S.
>> > > "no conflicting activities" should include consideration
>> > > of the conference organizers, volunteers, etc., so that
>> > > they are free to attend the AGM
>> > >
>> >
>> >
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