[Foss4g2009] Re: Questions about FOSS4G

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at lisasoft.com
Sun Sep 20 20:16:04 EDT 2009

Hi Anthony,

Workshops are not covered by the full registration. The workshops are 
extra. (Details at: http://2009.foss4g.org/registration/ )

Arinex and foss4g organising committee,
 From looking the link above, I can see why Anthony would be asking this 
question. I suggest that we should be clearer in the way we describe 
what is covered by "full" registration. Arinex, can you please suggest 
improved wording for Shoaib to put onto the website.

Julia from Arinex (or Simon),
I think you had a pdf version of the program? Could you please forward 
through to Anthony.

Anthony.Draga at dse.vic.gov.au wrote:
> Cameron,
> Hi, hope your well and that planning of the FOSS4G is going well.
> Just a quick question about the FOSS4G tutorials - are these part of 
> the standard Conference fee?
> (they're not additional are they?)
> Also, do you have a PDF copy of the schedule - I can't print the web 
> version of the schedule in a useable format.
> Thanks
> */Anthony Draga/*
> Project Manager
> Spatial Information Infrastructure
> Dept of Sustainability and Environment
> Level 13
> 570 Bourke St
> Melbourne
> PO BOX 500 East Melbourne
> Victoria 3000 Australia
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> e:* anthony.draga at dse.vic.gov.au
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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