[Fwd: [Foss4g2009] Re: International Community wanting to network with Government at FOSS4G ]

Bruce Bannerman bruce at bannerman.id.au
Wed Sep 23 08:24:30 EDT 2009

Hi Cesar,

We can definitely set up a BOF session for using FOSS4G in Government, or similar title.

What did you have in mind?

To start the ball rolling, seeing that everyone else is sitting back 
and waiting for everyone else: some potential discussion points:

- The UK Government's policy on Open Source [1]. It would be good to get a 
  UK person to talk to this.

- How can governments exploit open source:

  + Implement based on Open Standards.

  + The GeoNetwork example where we all need a Metadata entry tool and

  + We all don't want to pay for the same development, but share / pool

  + how do we coordinate this work, while working sensitively with
    Open Source communities who own the code base and may not want to
    go in the same direction that we do. This includes issues relating to 
    working with Project Steering Committees etc.

  + We can't expect communities to do our work for free. Therefore we will 
    need to either engage our own people or consultancies to do the work.
    The consultancies could come from within the community from anywhere 
    around the world, until we build up our own local communities. This 
    could create procurement problems. 

- The need for governments to engage with Open Source communities at all
  levels, not just as developers.

- The need to allow employees to participate within OS Communities as 
  part of their day to day jobs: i.e. we need to build up our technical

- The need to treat OS on a level playing field with proprietary solutions.
  That will mean looking at the Solution life cycle (See the new UK OS policy).

- Experiences in other countries:

  + What is working.

  + What is not working.

I've started off the Wiki entry [2] for the BOF session on FOSS4G in Government.

Please edit and add potential discussion points as desired.

Also please sign up for the session if you're interested.

[1] http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/government_it/open_source.aspx 

[2] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_BirdsOfAFeather

Bruce Bannerman

> -----Original Message-----
> From: César Medina [mailto:ciesaremedina at hotmail.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 23 September 2009 11:07 AM
> To: Bruce Bannerman; Cameron Shorter; gavinf at mintek.co.za
> Cc: arnold.wong at landgate.wa.gov.au; 
> darren.mottolini at landgate.wa.gov.au; ben.searle at ga.gov.au; 
> acooper at linz.govt.nz; liz.kolster at ssc.govt.nz; 
> pia.waugh at aph.gov.au; FOSS4G FOSS4G
> Subject: RE: [Foss4g2009] Re: International Community wanting 
> to network with Government at FOSS4G [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
> hello again, somebody know if there are some news for this 
> theme??? someone is available to participate in this, would 
> be so good for mi to do this conversation Bruce: would be 
> necesary register that theme in some page to stay in "Birds 
> of a feather" see you soon. best regards
> César http://www.linkedin.com/in/cesarmedinam 
> http://foss4gchile.blogspot.com/ mail: ciesareMedina (at) 
> gmail (dot) com msn: ciesareMedina (at) hotmail (dot) com 
> skype: ciesare_medina
> > > 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > --
> > > > --
> > > > *From:* foss4g2009-bounces at lists.osgeo.org on behalf of Cameron 
> > > > Shorter
> > > > *Sent:* Sun 7/26/2009 01:32 AM
> > > > *To:* César Medina; Bruce Bannerman; Arnold Wong; Darren 
> > > > Mottolini; Ben Searle; Adam Cooper; Liz; Pia Waugh; foss4g2009
> > > > *Subject:* [Foss4g2009] Re: International Community wanting to 
> > > > network with Government at FOSS4G
> > > >
> > > > Cesar (from Chilli),
> > > >
> > > > You have noted your interest in meeting Australian Government 
> > > > interested in Geospatial Open Source at the FOSS4G
> > > conference, and I
> > > > have CCed a few of the people who would be likely to want to 
> > > > coordinate the introduction of the international community to 
> > > > Australian/New Zealand initiatives.
> > > >
> > > > Bruce, Ben, Arnold, Kylie, Darren, Adam, Liz, Pia, I expect
> > > that there
> > > > will be a number of other people like Cesar, who will 
> want to meet 
> > > > Australian & New Zealand government representatives to find
> > > out what
> > > > we are doing with regards to Open Source and Open 
> Standards here.
> > > >
> > > > How do you suggest we accommodate this?
> > > > One forum we have at FOSS4G is our unstructured "Birds 
> of a Feather"
> > > > sessions where anyone can coordinate discussion around a
> > > particular topic.
> > > >
> > > > From an Australian/New Zealand government point of view,
> > > this would
> > > > be valuable as it provides an opportunity for us to network
> > > and build
> > > > valuable international contacts.
> > > > For Landgate (who have built a state government SDI based upon 
> > > > Open Standards, and uses a lot of Open Source) this is an 
> > > > opportunity to export some of this expertise.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Cameron Shorter
> > > > Geospatial Systems Architect
> > > > Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> > > > Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> > > >
> > > > Think Globally, Fix Locally
> > > > Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and 
> Open Source 
> > > > http://www.lisasoft.com <http://www.lisasoft.com/>
> ________________________________
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