[Foss4g2010] Re: Help for and from your project

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 16:04:19 EDT 2010

Tyler, this is a very good marketing email.

It has the core elements of "what is in it for me", and then "easy steps 
to follow" to achieve the goal.

foss4g2010, I suggest adding it to your press release wiki. It will be 
the sort of email future conferences will want to copy and repeat.

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
> Hi all, I'm emailing you as I have you listed a project contact for one
> or more of the OSGeo projects.  Please let me know if I should change this.
> I recently learned that much of the traffic that goes to the FOSS4G
> conference website comes directly from links from OSGeo project
> websites.  This is great news!  It means your users or visitors to your
> sites find out about FOSS4G and potentially attend to learn more about
> your projects.
> A couple of us did a quick survey of all the front pages of project
> websites and saw that many (~50%) don't have any pointer, link, or
> banner pointing to FOSS4G.  So I thought I'd write and encourage you to
> add this banner [1] pointing to this url [2] to your site front page.
> Have no doubt, this can really help FOSS4G attract the very users you
> want to reach out to.  More logo options for FOSS4G are here [3], though
> we recommend the one with the full date of the event.
> We weren't looking for OSGeo specific logos, but if you do not already
> have one, I hope I can also encourage you to make your association with
> OSGeo clear by including a logo such as this [4].
> Hope that helps, but if you need a hand getting a better graphic or have
> any questions or concerns, please let me know.  I'm here to help!
> [1] http://2010.foss4g.org/img/logocuadrado2.png
> [2] http://2010.foss4g.org
> [3] http://2010.foss4g.org/identity.php
> [4] http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/marketing/logo/png24/150/OSGeo_project.png
> Tyler

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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