[Foss4g2010] workshop abstract documents

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Jan 22 12:49:48 EST 2010

I am on the workshop subcommittee with Oscar, and I have several 
questions about the workshop abstract process.

As an evaluator, I must have access to basic abstract information.  I 
was sent the connection info to review submitted abstracts 
(http://intranet.pacifico-meetings.com:8081/absco/Login.iface) and I am 
trying to view existing abstracts - however, I only see 2 sections for 
each submission: Title and Abstract Text.  Missing is very very 
important information such as:

- User Level
- User Prerequisites
- Instructor Name
- Instructor Biography
- Instructor Experience
- Links to relevant material (past workshops)

I am attaching last year's example abstract template.  I think if we 
want to make proper decisions, as evaluators we need this information 
from each submission.


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Name: FOSS4G2009_Workshop_Submission_Getting_Started_with_MapServer.pdf
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Url : http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/foss4g2010/attachments/20100122/065abe15/FOSS4G2009_Workshop_Submission_Getting_Started_with_MapServer-0001.pdf

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