[Foss4g2010] Re: [OSGeo-Conf] Booth for local chapters at FOSS4G 2010

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Mon Mar 8 18:18:21 EST 2010

My opinion is that any local chapters who buy a booth are considered
non-profit - I think makes sense.  Other local chapter attendees are
welcome to help at the OSGeo booth :)

I do not agree with the other idea, different pricing for different
countries based on some arbitrary national statistic.  I can elaborate
if needed, but in essence feel that we are already giving away awesome
software, free workshop and presentation materials, even videos of the
event and helping support local chapter development.  It seems
counterproductive to reduce the profitability of an event that helps
fund these great free things that all can enjoy.  We all know that you
don't have to be at FOSS4G to enjoy the fruit of its labour

I could be convinced otherwise, but just don't see the rationale in
this.  My opinion only of course,


Venka wrote:
> There has been a lot of activity in the Japanese
> Local Chapter since FOSS4G2009. Several FOSS4G
> related projects are being carried out with
> funding form MEXT (Japan Ministry of Education
> and Training) and these projects are jointly
> done with private companies in Japan. The
> booth costs will be supported by mostly from
> project funds and payment could be made by
> the Japanese local chapter (with is non-profit and
> not that rich)
> We would consider two booths side-by-side if
> it is priced as non-profit. We would like to
> show local chapter activities (software demos,
> documentation development, books, localization,
> conference activities etc.) and also have poster,
> brochures, souvenirs of companies and
> universities that have been promoting the
> Local Chapter activities over the years.
> All the stuff that we will be promoting/displaying
> will be FOSS4G based solutions.
> On behalf of the Japan Local Chapter, I would like
> to request for non-profit pricing in light of
> the explanation above. I would also like to mention
> that like most Local Chapters, the Japanese one is
> also not flush with funds and with the economic
> slowdown, it is not easy to get sponsorship from
> private companies. So the chapter activities are
> mainly supported by research project funds.
> I understand that if the LoC kindly agrees for
> non-profit pricing, the Japan local chapter will
> be charged 2500Euros for two booth and this price
> includes the VAT. In FOSS4G2009, LoC charged extra
> for Internet and insurance. We would like to get
> a final quote for non-profits, so that we could
> discuss and finalize Japanese Local Chapter Booths
> Best regards
> Venka
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