[Foss4g2011] RE: Academic Track Call for Abstracts

Moreno, Rafael Rafael.Moreno at ucdenver.edu
Wed Feb 2 13:35:36 EST 2011

Helena, Venka, everyone,
I agree that 30 min is probably too long.  

The point of the 30 min length was to make the academic track presentations compatible with the general session presentations allowing people to rotate between presentations easily.

The feedback we got at the LOC was that in past years people had hard time attending general session presentation and then trying to go to an academic track presentation because they were out of sync. Has this been your experience?

Hence, we discussed that 30 min is probably too long and 15 min probably too short (2 academic track presentations per 30 min block). 

Tyler M., Peter, everyone comments? 

Thank you

Rafael Moreno, Ph.D.
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
University of Colorado Denver
Campus Box 172 P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364
Phone: 303-352-3762
Fax: 303-556-6197
Personal website: http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~rmoreno/

-----Original Message-----
From: Helena Mitasova [mailto:hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 8:20 AM
To: Venkatesh Raghavan; foss4g2011 at lists.osgeo.org
Cc: Moreno, Rafael; 'foss4g2011-private'; Muller, Brian; 'Tyler Erickson'; 'Serena Coetzee'; 'Thierry Badard'; 'Jeff McKenna'; 'Songnian Li'; 'maria.brovelli at diiar-topo.polimi.it'; 'song.osgeo at gmail.com'
Subject: Re: Academic Track Call for Abstracts

> i am still not in favor of 30 minutes slot for each paper.

I have already expressed many times my opinion that, 
given the advances in presentation technology,
and my 20+ years of experience going to several conferences per year
 20 minute slots for presentations in both regular and academic sessions is plenty
of time to get through your message and showcase what you are doing, especially
given that this is annual event so we mostly hear from the same people each year.
This reduces the number of concurrent sessions or gives more people chance to talk -
any of it is beneficial.

But it looks like most organizing committees think that 30 min slots for talks
are absolutely necessary so I have pretty much given up the fight and I am speaking up again
only because Venka has raised the issue. So I just wanted to let you know
that I still support shorter, 20min slots (15+5 or 18+2 talk and discussion) for the talks
but it is the program committee that makes the decision, so I am OK with whatever 
length they chose,


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