[foss4g2014] Fwd: computer labs for conference next year

David Percy percyd at pdx.edu
Thu Aug 22 17:52:55 PDT 2013

we have rooms booked for workshops!
I misread the original email, so it's a bit more expensive than we had
in the budget, sorry about that!

Brian (aka buggum), can you nail down the CS rooms that you researched?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Taylor Ellsworth <icchroom at pdx.edu>
Date: Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: computer labs for conference next year
To: David Percy <percy at pdx.edu>

Hi Percy,

Congratulations! What exciting news for you and your department. Do
you mean Mon. 9/9 and Tue. 9/10? If so, all the labs are free that
day, with the exception of a class in NH 450 from 11:00am - 1:00pm.

Here is the cost breakdown:

8 hrs (9:00am - 5:00pm) in 5 labs (NH 437, NH 439, NH 446, NH 448, CH 1)
6 hrs (9:00am - 11:00am and 1:00pm - 5:00pm) in 1 lab (NH 450)
= 46
$25/hr room fee + $25/hr lab attendant fee
$50 x 46

Please let me know if you have questions about the fees. Will you need
any special software installed prior to the conference?


Instructional Computing Classrooms & Labs
Office of Information Technology
Portland State University

If you need software installed in a computer classroom
or a high-tech classroom, please fill out the form at the
following URL:

On Aug 22, 2013, at 2:21 PM, David Percy <percy at pdx.edu> wrote:

Hi Taylor, we won the bid!

So, I'll need to reserve everything you've got on Monday and Tuesday
September 8th and 9th 2014 from 9 to 5.
Sponsored by Geology, you can use my GLG120 index.

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 12:49 PM, David Percy <percy at pdx.edu> wrote:

Thanks, we included the use of these rooms in our bid for the
conference next year, will know next week if we have been chosen or

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Taylor Ellsworth <icchroom at pdx.edu> wrote:

Hi Percy,

I apologize for the delayed reply. CH 1 and the ICC classrooms all run for
the same rental rates. It's possible that in the past you've scheduled
events during our normal operating hours with the internal rate, in which
case your rental would have only been $25/hr.

However, I've spoken with my boss, and it seems that if you can be in charge
of obtaining the sponsored accounts needed for your attendees to log in to
our computers, we can offer the internal rate, which is $25/hr per room for
the reservation, with an additional $25/hr lab attendant fee if the
conference occurs outside of our normal operating hours (ie. the break
between Summer and Fall).

Will this conference involve the installation of speciality software?
Please be advised that by this time next year there may be a charge
associated with the time spent installing software from User Support Serives
for non credit earning activities that will be outside of any lab rental or
onsite support fees.

Additionally, I haven't received the official scheduling drafts for any
2013-2014 terms as of yet, so I am unable to truly confirm any dates this
far in advance. After you've chosen specific dates and times, I can put in a
"temp hold" on the room(s) and we can wait to make sure no conflicts arise
once the drafts are received. However, if you are certain this will occur
during the break between Summer and Fall 2014, conflicts with for-credit
classes are very unlikely to arise.


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