[foss4g2014] Fwd: FOSS4G Logo Concept Research

Darrell Fuhriman darrell at garnix.org
Fri Nov 22 10:14:18 PST 2013

Please review and provide thoughts to the list. (Or to me in private, if you'd prefer it not be public.)


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Elizabeth Haddad <elizabeth at evhdesign.com>
> Subject: FOSS4G Logo Concept Research
> Date: November 22, 2013 06:06:00 PST
> To: darrell at garnix.org
> Hi Darrell,
> My FOSS4G logo concept research can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/25lzgqjzaqoprfo/ConceptResearch.pdf . My corresponding explanations for each concept are below. I tried to come up ways to merge Portland's nicknames with mapping elements and incorporate the FOSS4G ribbon. Please let me know if there is an idea or concept you think I've missed. I'm happy to discuss over the phone to answer any questions you may have before you send it along to the larger group to make a decision (decision due Dec. 4, the group must choose 3 logo concepts, any additional feedback from the group on general direction of logo in terms of color, style, etc would also be helpful). I am free to talk today anytime between 1-5pm PST.
> Best,
> ______________________________
> Elizabeth Haddad
> Graphic Designer + Web Programmer
> www.evhdesign.com
> e: elizabeth at evhdesign.com
> p: (971) 225-0733
> skype  |   linkedin  |   twitter
>  Contour Lines (2) as rings in cross-section of log (5)
>  Slab-serif font (3) with a branded/laser-etched into wood aesthetic (1)
>  Color palette = earthy browns with orange highlight (4)
>  Ribbon as stand alone element paired with text
>  Rose with either clean (1) or tattoo (3) aesthetic
>  Ribbon with long tail (4) into which we can place text (1)
>  Color palette = red and gold (possible green if we include leaves) (3)
>  Silhouette of bridge; can paired with text to form and organized block (1) or more organic arrangement (5)
>  Flexibility in terms of which bridge is depicted (1,2,4)
>  Color palette = navy with grey/blue highlights (3)
>  Ribbon as stand alone element paired with text
>  City skyline (5) drawn with directional lines (2) or overlapping parcels (3)
>  Bike (4) can be incorporated into the skyline
>  Color palette = green/gold (1) for directional lines concept or multi color for parcel concept (3)
>  Ribbon as stand alone element paired with text or tail of ribbon can be incorporated into the arches of a bridge
>  Folded map (5) of Oregon, US or World with pin in Portland (3)
>  Traditional pin can be replaced with an alternate symbol (1) such as the Portland Oregon neon sign (4) or Foss 4G Ribbon; ‘O’ in Foss can also be made to look like compass
>  Color palette = light blue, red and grey (2)
>  Ribbon can also be stand alone element paired with text

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