[foss4g2014] Assisting with planning for foss4g

naefish at aol.com naefish at aol.com
Fri Jan 24 11:53:06 PST 2014

Hi everyone,
I would like to assist with the organization of foss4g 2014 pdx.  I work later then most so I have a hard time coming to the meetings.  Once in a while I can call in, but I am still at work during the first part of the meeting. 
Anyway, are there any sub committees or is there something in particular I can assist with.  For instance, could I assist with the academic track or assist with setting up the map gallery for this year... or I was thinking it would be cool to have a series of workshops or stations for beginners showing them how to use OSM software packages... just thinking that would be cool and a draw for others who are not the developers but the users.  
Lynnae Sutton

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