[foss4g2014] Detailed Schedule + Update to presenters

Darrell Fuhriman darrell at garnix.org
Sun Jul 6 11:21:20 PDT 2014

Two things on your holiday weekend:

1) I’ve created a draft of an announcement to go out to presenters. Please comment/edit as you see fit:


2) Below is a more detailed schedule. Please let me know if there is anything that needs to be added or changed. (Also available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fSz0i488-NPT4N66tevTTaF4AI_I90bcgemMXDB1G3Q/edit)

schedule overview:

08:00: Workshop Part 1
12:00: Lunch
13:00: Workshop Part 2

08:00: Workshop Part 1
12:00: Lunch
13:00: Workshop Part 2
18:30-22:00: Party at Ecotrust (tent.)

7:00: Registration Open
7:00: Coffee, snacks available
8:00: Introduction, announcements, thank yous. – Darrell
8:30: Keynote: Mike Bostock
9:30: Break
10:00: Session 1
11:00: Exhibit Hall Opens
11:30: Lunch in Exhibition Hall
13:00: Session 2
14:30: Break
15:00: Session 3
16:30: Drinks in Exhibition Hall

7:30: Registration Open
7:30: Coffee, snacks available
8:15: Introduction, announcements, thank yous. – Darrell
8:00: Exhibit Hall Opens
8:30: Keynote: Patrick Hogan
9:30: Break
10:00: Session 1
11:30: Lunch in Exhibition Hall
13:00: Session 2
14:30: Break
15:00: Session 3
17:00: Transport to Gala
17:30: Gala
22:00: Gala Ends

8:00: Coffee, snacks available
8:30: Final registration day open
8:00: Exhibit Hall Opens
9:00: Keynote: Sarah Novotny
10:30: Session 1
12:00: Lunch in Exhibition Hall
13:30: Session 2
13:30: Exhibition Hall Closes
15:00: Break
15:30: Closing Announcements, handover to Seoul
15:45: Keynote: Al Shaw
16:45: Adjourn

All day: Field Trips!
8:00: Coffee and snacks available
8:00: Code Sprint Open
9:00: WhereCampPDX begins
12:00: Lunch Break
15:00: WhereCamp ends

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